Today is Sunday. There are a lot of times I am feeling sad because I am home instead of church. There are a lot of times I am sad that I am home instead of anywhere. My fibromyalgia keeps me at home and I miss out on being able to live life the way I want to. Making plans and scheduling anything is difficult. Yesterday was a good day and I didn't overdue anything so there wasn't any chance of being too tired or sore the next day. Sounds great except guess what? I'm too tired and in too much pain to be able to attend church today. At the beginning I mentioned I was sad, but I have a lot of other feelings that go along with being at home. Sad. Lonely. Angry. Bitter. Irritated. Left out. Isolated. And with all the emotions there are physical problems to deal with. Tired. Pain. Dizzy. Weak. Aching. Fibro fog. I struggle to make sense of all of this. I wonder what good will come of this? What good am I at all to anyone?
I search and I find little bits that help me through the pain.
Perspectives from God’s Word
“For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison” (2 Corinthians 4:17).
“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us” (Romans 8:18).
Perspectives from God’s People
“I want to stay in the habit of ‘glancing’ at my problems and ‘gazing’ at my Lord.” —Joni Eareckson Tada
“There are rare and wonderful species of joy that flourish only in the rainy atmosphere of suffering.” —John Piper
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